Olivia and Lella

About us

Growing up, we have had the good fortune of being surrounded by people who care a lot about the world and its future. Whether it be about the environment, ocean conservation, social justice, gun reform, voting, and many other causes... there was never a time when these conversations weren't going on around us.

In June 2017, we attended a Global Citizen event in Rome, Italy. The evening included discussions about extreme poverty and the inequities that lead to it. We also learned how to take action to become better "Global Citizens" and play real roles in improving the state of the world. We had both done work with Global Citizen separately before, but we left wanting to join forces on a project that would ensure our continued learning and commitments to action.

Fast forward to March 2020: In the midst of a world in dire need of unity and collaboration, we decided to launch an interview series called "Let's Talk" on IGTV ( Instagram's platform for longer videos). Our hope was to create a safe place online for activists to use their voices and share their knowledge with those hoping to learn and do better.

We now co-host a 30-minute video interview each week where we get to ask questions of incredible guests who are making the world safer, cleaner, and more equitable in all kinds of ways.

The topics of conversation change every month which gives us a chance to shine a light on different people, organizations, and actions.

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